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RICE is Alive at OLA!

Kindergarten G

We have been celebrating our mums and female carers in Kindy and have enjoyed reading books about superhero mums and magician mums, sharing stories about our special mums and thanking God for these wonderful ladies in our lives.

We are busy building the muscles in our hands and arms through lots of fun fine motor activities and games, and we have started talking about the ways our body can give us warning signs, that help us to make good choices and keep us safe. We have talked about listening to our body and how we can work through these feelings. We are also learning more about how we can play safely and kindly with others with integrity in Kindy, by doing the right thing by our friends. It is lovely to see the children engaging more with each other and friendships developing.

Mrs Michelle Symmons

Pre-Primary G

In PPG, we have been exploring the school’s value of integrity. We have talked about what integrity looks like, sounds like and feels like, at school and at home. We discussed how our Mum’s help us to live life with integrity by helping us to tell the truth and make good choices, even when no-one is watching. They also help us to be fair when playing with our friends. We talked about how we can show integrity at home by setting the table, cleaning up mess and helping with the chores, especially for our mums on Mother’s Day.

We have had a great time exploring fairy tales. In the first week of term, we had fairy tale characters visit the playground each day and the children enjoyed playing with them during recess and lunch play. The fairy tale characters were also used to retell stories. We read the Gingerbread Man, sequenced pictures of the story and made gingerbread men, YUM! During HASS, we made an ANZAC Ted and, in Art, designed medals which were on display during the OLA ANZAC Liturgy.

Mrs Maree Noonan

Year 1G

Our first week back at school was so exciting because we went on an excursion to the Perth Zoo! We were rainforest detectives, off on a mission, with binoculars to observe the rainforest animals and find information about their habitat and food supply. We then got to explore the rest of the zoo with our friends. We even got to play on the playground. Boy, were we tired at the end of the day, but we made the best memories to take home.

This term, we are focused on learning about the value of integrity. We have talked about what integrity looks and sounds like. We decided that to show integrity, you need to be honest, fair and have courage to do what is right.

Mrs Simone Taylor

Year 2G

2G has had a great start to Term 2! We are all enjoying the News presentations about the different country each student has selected. Last week, we looked at the variety of flags around the world. We found it very interesting to hear the meaning each country has given for the colour and symbols on their flag.

This term OLA’s RICE Value is integrity. 2G has been learning about what integrity looks like. After many discussions, we came to the understanding that integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

Our Art focus for the beginning of Term 2, was linked to ANZAC Day. We have reflected on the many servicemen and women who served in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. Students thoroughly enjoyed preparing the scene for the Field of Poppies.

Mrs Maree Musca

Year 3G

This week in Year 3, we had our Sacrament of Penance Retreat Day with Dr Nathan Leber. The children participated in many fun activities to help them understand and prepare for the sacrament. They will be receiving the Sacrament of Penance in Week 6.

This term, we have also been talking about the word integrity as a part of our RICE values. We have identified the word integrity to mean doing the right thing when no one is looking. It is also about making right choices and that this can be hard at times. We have discussed what a conscience is and that God gave us this special gift, deep inside our hearts, to know right from wrong. We have looked at many examples of moral dilemmas and discussed how we can stand up for others and have the courage to do the right thing. In 3G, we are going to work hard on always displaying integrity to be good RICE values models.

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs McCarthy

Year 4G

4G has recently been learning about the meaning of integrity. Research defines it as kindness, honesty and being fair. Students identified areas where they could see and show integrity in their lives.

At our Year 4 Retreat Day, in preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist, students demonstrated integrity when they respectfully participated in the Seder meal. Learning about how Jesus celebrated Jewish rituals like the Seder meal, gave the students insight into being fair and honest with one another when learning about another religion.

We have had many discussions in class about demonstrating integrity in these times of COVID-19. We are aware of how lucky we are in Western Australia and when we have had a lockdown, or think about possible, future lockdowns we have been encouraged to not complain and to continue to pray for the many people and countries affected so deeply by this virus.

Mrs Mary Barclay

Year 5G

Wow! Week 3 of term and we’re almost half way through the year. Our term began with completion of art work from Term 1. We used the art for our assembly last term and are thrilled to have it displayed in our room.

NAPLAN is only weeks away for us Year 5s, therefore Mr D and Mrs Scoble have continued to teach us new Maths concepts and work on areas we need to improve or haven’t experienced before. Our teachers have constantly praised us for the integrity we have shown towards our studies and one another as a group of friends rather than peers. Writing preparation lessons include working with persuasive titles such as, ‘Chocolate should be Banned’, ‘Not Wearing Hats at School’ and narratives, ‘The Box’ and ‘In the Middle of the Night’.

We will all try our best and accept the challenge NAPLAN will provide us.

Looking forward to the remainder of Term 2.

Mr Bruno De Pietro

Year 6G

We have had a busy first few weeks in Year 6 to start Term 2. We have hit the ground running in our new Ministry Groups for this term. The Events Ministry ran the ANZAC Day Liturgy in Week 2, Sustainability Ministry launched the Containers for Change program at OLA, Christian Ministry are busy preparing for the Ascension of Jesus Mass in Week 5, whilst the Sports Ministry assist each day with setting up and packing away morning fitness. Students recognise that these responsibilities help them to display our school value of integrity, by being hardworking and helpful to those in our community.

6G performed their assembly on Wednesday this week. Once given the idea of 6G’s Got Talent, the students worked in small groups to come up with their parts for the assembly. The groups then came together to collate their ideas and put the assembly together, once again demonstrating our value of integrity. The idea of 6G’s Got Talent came from discussions in Religion about finding our vocation by sharing our gifts and talents with the world. The students enjoyed being able to share their gifts and talents with OLA and encourage all people to do the same.

Miss Tiana Versace

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.