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RICE is Alive at OLA!


Pre Primary

This term, we are learning about Chemical Science. We have been investigating the properties of materials and how these materials may be changed. In Pre-Primary, our focus is on what materials objects are made from and the properties we can observe. This exploration has led us to sort through many objects so we can identify a variety of materials and their many properties. Looking for ways that we can combine more than one material together to create an object led us to a fun investigation. We wondered what different materials houses around the world were made from and we created a house using a range of materials. Our school value of respect was in action as we worked in small groups to complete our task.

Year 1

In Year One, our focus has been on ways that materials can be changed and if this change can be reversed. One of our favourite investigations was to explore how heat affects materials. We explored this by heating chocolate and playdough. A taste test of one of these materials was essential for quality control!

We then explored the effect cooling has on materials. We got close up and hands on for this investigation and displayed our school value of excellence as we posed questions, made predictions and completed the tasks to discover conclusions to these questions.

It has been a joy to watch these young students explore their world scientifically with wonder and awe whilst displaying our school value of respect as they work together on their investigation tasks. I am so proud of the Pre-Primary and Year Ones this year!

Mrs Kristen Dempster
Science Specialist Pre-Primary and Year One

Year 2

In Year 2, we have had so much fun in Science! We have learnt about the life cycle of meal worms and the features of living creatures. We investigated Earth’s amazing resources and pretended to dig up precious metals and gems. We had a great tug of war to investigate push, pull and gravity. Not to mention we’ve been making marvellous mixtures, like traditional damper! Along the way we have shown respect in our group work by working collaboratively with others and sharing our equipment. We have worked diligently and shown excellence in recording our observations and in listening carefully to instructions to complete our investigations with success.

Year 3

We have been learning about living things and their habitats. We showed marvellous team work and respect for others when we designed and built our animal and its home. In Science, we have learnt to work cooperatively in our groups to complete many interesting investigations to do with heat and cold. We have shown care and respect with all of our science equipment. We learnt about the phases of the moon and we are now making our own Solar Oven to experiment with heat sources that will change solids to liquids. Along the way we have shown our school value of excellence in the way we work collaboratively and present our observations and predictions in innovate ways.

Year 4

One of our best experiences was going to the Perth Zoo and spotting the cool cassowary bird. We have studied the life cycle of the cassowary closely and it was great to see one in real life! Our teamwork and concentration in Science lessons demonstrates our school value of excellence, each week. We have participated in many investigations, including making our own mini glacier out of clay and ice. Our exciting Egg Drop Parachute has to be a highlight! With many catastrophes of the eggy type in the Science room (on the floor, on our clothes as well)! But, when we tested our parachutes, they were awesome! Our value of respect for each other and our teachers has been evident throughout this year in our Science lessons.

Year 5

In Year 5 Science, we have investigated plant root systems and worked successfully in small groups to build our own root system representations. We enjoyed researching frilled neck lizard characteristics when we learnt about animal adaptations. Along the way we have shown the values of excellence and integrity while showcasing our learning in group settings and through digital presentations. We discovered many properties of light and experimented using torches, water and different materials (transparent, translucent and opaque) to make shadows and rainbows. We will be discovering the properties of the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) this term. Science has challenged us to make predictions and think about real life applications for what we have discovered.

Year 6

Volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis! We learnt about natural disasters this year and made our own representations of each. We had a go at stop motion animation over several weeks and enjoyed working collaboratively with our peers to create a representation of an animal and its habitat. We were switched on with electrical circuits and learnt how to draw a circuit diagram. We are just beginning to learn about tasty mixtures, reversible and irreversible chemical changes. We’ve shown the value of excellence in the way we have achieved our learning outcomes in Science this year.

Mrs Colette Meyerkort
Science Specialist Years 2 – 6

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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.