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Last term in Year 2 STRETCH, the girls set about creating a ‘Most Magnificent Thing’ for a teacher. The students’ challenge was to interview staff and work on designing a product to solve a problem or need with the aim to make the person’s life easier. The students designed this product using Makers Empire and are excited about creating a 3D form next term with our new 3D printers. 

This term, the girls have worked on exploring how to develop their coding skills within the Scratch Program. Their task has been to use the Scratch program to create simple programming games. Some of these games have been designed to be played with the Makey Makey Kits.

Mrs Dempster

STRETCH Year 2/3

Last term in Year 2/3 STRETCH, the students challenge was to create a program for our robot Spheros to follow. The students created a maze and then were required to program the Sphero robots to navigate within the course. The students were required to measure the distances within the maze correctly so the Sphero could navigate the maze correctly.

This term, the students have continued building on their coding knowledge. The students’ task was to create and code a game that requires the use of the ‘Arrow Keys’ using the Scratch program. This game was designed to be played with the Makey Makey Kits. The students will be using playdough ‘Controller Buttons’ which connect to the Makey Makey Kit and Chrome Books to serve as the ‘Arrow Keys’ or ‘Controls’ within the game.

Mrs Dempster

REACH Year 3

This term, the Year 3 REACH students have learnt how to block code using Sphero Sprk+. They completed a number of tasks from, temping Sphero Bowling to programming the Sphero to drive through different mazes.

Mrs McLeod

REACH Year 4

The Year 4 REACH students started the term learning how to use SCRATCH coding program.

The students were given a variety of tasks to complete including animating their name, recording sound and adding the sound to their Sprite.

The Year 4 REACH students also used the Makey Makey kits in conjunction with the SCRATCH program to further enhance this inquiry approach. Some of the tasks they explored were, creating a dance revolution mat and a water piano.

Mrs McLeod

REACH Year 5

A Glimpse of Greatness

This term, Yr 5 REACH have been researching information on a notable person of our choice. A variety of people have been selected, such as, Christopher Columbus, Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, Princess Diana and Stan Lee, just to name a few. Once we finished researching and completing a brief biography for our person, we created a documentary where we impersonate the notable person and present facts about their life, adventures, mishaps and how they have changed the world. We planned and then filmed using iMovie. We often filmed in front of a green screen to achieve different backgrounds to suit the time, place and accurate setting of our notable person. We look forward to editing our footage and presenting our documentaries.

We also participated in the THINKFEST at St Peter’s. We worked co-operatively with other students learning about mindfulness and the wellness of your mind. We even did yoga to relieve stress!

Ms Mitchell

REACH Year 4/5/6

Our group has been coding using small computers called Microbits. After learning how to code them, we selected our Term 3 projects which included basketball games that keep score and make a sound every time a bucket is scored, monsters that use light sensors to trigger their mouths opening and closing or inch worms that use the Microbit to control a motor to make the worm move. It was great to use our coding skills to create something physical.

Mr Morris

REACH Year 6

We have been learning about ‘Design Thinking’ and how we can apply this thinking to problem solving. Our goal was to design something to help a person on a planet that we are colonising. Our new 3D printers have arrived which has meant that we can start to print the things that we are designing in the MakersEmpire software. We can’t wait to hold our 3D printed designs!

Mr Morris

Our Lady's Assumption
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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.