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Leadership Message – Issue Eighteen

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

How quickly is this term moving!

As we rapidly approach the end of the year, there are many exciting events occurring at school, but we must also remember that as we run towards the finish line of 2022, our children are also being faced with stressors such as assignments, tests and the thought of walking into a new class or school in 2023. In line with our value of excellence, we support and encourage each student to do their best and to be proud of their best, however, the burden of the stress that children increasingly feel, coupled with the fatigue of the last few weeks of the year may lead them into having a fixed mindset, rather than a preferred growth mindset.

A growth mindset is key to not only a child, but anyone’s ability to learn and grow to their full potential. Rather than share an article or video made by a university academic, I thought it would be worthwhile to share a Year 5 student’s presentation on what having a growth mindset is and how it can impact a child. I have shown this video to my own children as a way to open discussion about how we improve at things, how improvement isn’t meant to be easy and how the way we think impacts our performance. I hope that you can use this video the way that I have with your children.

The Mindset of a Champion | Carson Byblow | TEDxYouth@AASSofia


Remembrance Day

Parents and carers are invited to attend the OLA Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday at 11am on the school oval.

Wellness Week- Week 6

Students and teachers will have the opportunity to develop their awareness and importance of wellness during Wellness Week in Week 6. A variety of activities have been planned for both the teachers and students with parents invited to hang around on Monday after morning drop off, buy a coffee from the coffee van onsite and catch up with other members of our community.

May thanks to the P&F for organsing a yoga instructor to lead the staff and students from Pre Primary to Year 6 in a yoga session on Wednesday 16 November. All students are asked to wear their sport uniform on Wednesday. Further information will be included in the weekly update.


Staff Development Day

While the students enjoyed a long weekend, the staff were engaging in professional learning with Diana Rigg, the founder of Promoting Literacy Development. PLD is the phonics program implemented across the whole school. The day was engaging, informative and a positive one as teachers had the opportunity to refine their planning and delivery skills of PLD.

Uniform Rescue

Uniform Rescue is a wonderful initiative that provides school uniforms to children in need in Africa. OLA is proud to be part of the regular donation drives.

If you have any old OLA uniforms that you no longer require, please drop them in at the school office.

Class Placement Requests 2023

We have come to the time of year where many parents are beginning to think about what classes their children will be in next year. Teachers spend a large amount of time looking at the myriad of combinations of students, trying to find the optimal combination for the classes, taking into account the social, behavioural and academic variables before settling on the classes for the following year.

If you have a request for your child’s 2023 class placement, please email with your child’s name and ‘CLASS REQUEST’ in the title, then in the body of the email please note your request and reasons.

Please know that this is a request only and there is no guarantee that your request will be fulfilled in 2023.

Final date for acceptance of requests is Monday 14 November.

Parking at Dianella Library

We have had reports from the library staff, shire and ranger that parents are parking in the staff, disabled and loading bays at the library. Please be considerate and do not park in this area as it is reserved for the library staff, those with ACROD permits and those making deliveries to the library.

Scholastic Book Fair

The library is looking for a few volunteers to assist with Scholastic Book Fair from next year. The time commitment will be approximately 2 afternoons per term, 3 terms per year, to send catalogues out to classes and help organise orders when they arrive. Please contact Mrs Claire Dale by email ( to volunteer.

Arrival Time for Students

Parents please be aware that students are not to be dropped off at school before 8.00am. The Chester Avenue entry is opened at 8.00am. It has been concerning to see children standing alone outside the gate earlier than this time. Morning fitness and a duty teacher are out in the quadrangle from 8.00am. If you require supervision for your child earlier than this, please consider the OSHC as a secure and safe alternative. Registration details can be found on the school website.

Be Sun Smart in Term 4

A reminder that a cold cloudy day doesn’t negate the impact of the sun on our skin, please have your children apply sunscreen before school. Last year in Term 4 it was very encouraging to see children reapplying their sunscreen during the day. As always, children are more than welcome to bring sunscreen to school, we recommend the roll-on type so as to stop any messy spills in bags. Please also note the school’s ‘No hat, no play’ policy by ensuring that your child has a clearly labelled hat.

World Teachers’ Day

Australia celebrated and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 28 October.  World Teachers’ Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 International Labour Organisation/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ILO/UNESCO) Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers.

Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges in 2020, 2021 and 2022. It’s reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families, and communities.

I’d like to thank the P&F for providing lunch for the staff on Melbourne Cup day as  World Teachers’ Day fell on the Colour Run day this year.


Our Lady’s Assumption Annual Community Meeting

Thank you to those who attended the ACM on Tuesday afternoon. The Principal’s Report, SAC Chairperson’s Report as well as the P&F Report will be available on the school website soon.

During the meeting, the Our Lady’s Assumption School Advisory Council (OLASAC) was appointed. Congratulations to all members on their appointment/re-appointment.

OLA School Advisory Council

Chairperson: Nigel Swavley
Deputy Chairperson: Narelle Roberts
Treasurer: Mark La Cava
Secretary: Karen Meleca
Member: Amanda Reid
Parish Representative: Edmund O’Halloran
Ex-Officio Members: Fr Ken D’Souza (OLA Parish Priest)
Greg Martin (Principal)
Michael Morris

We also wish Amanda Cipriani (OLASAC Chair) and Laura Ocello (OLASAC Secretary) all the best as they conclude their terms on the OLASAC.

The OLA P&F also held their elections at the conclusion of the ACM, the P&F plays a vital role in the running of our school and the sense of community that comes from their many activities. We thank each and every one of you for giving your time for our school.

Congratulations to the elected 2023 members


President: Deanna Marocchi
Vice President: Lina Brunini
Treasurer: Katie Catena
Secretary: Ann-Maree Barbaro
Communications: Magda Bartucciotto

Year 5 Leaders

A huge congratulations to all the Year 5 students who read their speech in front of their Year 4,5 and 6 peers over the last two weeks. Public speaking is never easy, but you all took it in your stride and performed extremely well. We look forward to officially welcoming the 2023 student leaders, congratulations to all!

Students’ Stationery – Available Via the Canteen

With students not always having the stationery required at school, and parents having to go to the shops to purchase an item, like a pencil, the OLA Canteen will be selling everyday student stationery items to students. These items will be included on OLA Canteen QuickCliq menu and will be sold in the future:

  • Red and blue pens – 60c each
  • HB Pencils – 60c each
  • Glue Sticks – $2.20 each
  • Erasers – 60c each
  • Rulers – $1.95 each
  • Batteries (for the students’ laptop mouse) – $3.30 each

If purchasing an item, parents are requested to order the item online via QuickClick and the stationery will given to the students during the day. Students may also purchase these items on canteen days, over the counter.

Thank you.

Michael Morris & Anella Tollis

OLA Leadership Team

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

43 Chester Avenue, Dianella WA 6059
(+61 8) 9471 3000
Postal Address
PO Box 531, Dianella WA 6059
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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.