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Prayer for First Eucharist

Loving Heart of Jesus,
You said that You would always be with us, even to the end of the age,
and so You are in the Most Holy Eucharist.
At each and every mass You unite Yourself with us in a unique and special way.
You are closer to us than our own heartbeats.
We pray that each and every child who receives You for the first time will in some way feel You Present within that Sacrament.
We pray that they will realise how very much they are loved by You, and how eagerly You are to give Yourself to their innocent little hearts.

We pray that they may be able to reciprocate Your love by entrusting themselves completely to You and throwing themselves confidently into Your arms whenever they are in need of reassurance or help.
We pray that these little ones will gladden You and console You for the indifference and ingratitude so many other souls wound You with.
May all parents and guardians of First Communicants continue to teach their children the ways of the spiritual life and raise steadfast and staunch Catholic souls who will build up the Church and bring about Your Kingdom on earth.

Leadership Message – Issue Fourteen

Sacrament of Eucharist

It was a great occasion as we celebrated two masses on Saturday August 20. The two masses were very reverent, with the way our students participated in the masses testament to how well prepared the children were to receive Christ through the eucharist for the first time.

Beautiful celebrations such as these do not occur without the care and support of many hands. Thank you Mrs Scoble and Mr Ryan for preparing our classes so well for this sacrament, Miss Costello for the preparation and assistance with the music, to the choir students who volunteered to accompany Miss Costello, all of the staff who came to support our students by assisting with jobs throughout the mass, parents for your support of your children to participate in the sacrament and preparation nights and the mass and Fr Ken for being our faith leader and celebrating the sacrament with us. We must also thank the parish for the beautiful flower arrangements as well as the acolytes and altar servers.

Book Week – ‘Dreaming with your eyes open’

Book Week 2022 was a huge success, we had many activities occurring through the week with our staff, students and teachers all getting involved in the activities.

– Kylie Howarth visit – students had the opportunity to meet and listen to author Kylie Howarth on Monday. She was a very engaging speaker who has written popular children’s books Chip the lifeguard, Fish Kid, Fish Jam and Koalas stole my undies amongst others. She is also an illustrator who taught the kids hwo to draw a hammerhead shark.

– Bedtime Stories – this year the Gruffalo came to read stories to the students on Tuesday evening. Children and parents enjoyed a warm cup of milo and a biscuit to go with their story, thanks to the P&F for manning the hot chocolate!

– Book Parade – On Wednesday the entre school dressed up for our annual Book Week costume parade, we had many winners on the day but 4G took out the best dressed Dancing class award.

Science Week

We celebrated Science Week by inviting parents in to help Mrs Meyerkort run experiments that were all to do with glass, some of the glass was even made out of sugar! Thank you Mrs Meyerkort for coordinating our week of experiments.

Father’s Day

We had a fantastic turnout to our Father’s and Caregivers breakfast on Wednesday. It was so good to see so many people giving up their time to be with their children, mingling and having a snag. Thank you to the many volunteers who organised, set up, prepared food or assisted with the tidying up. Your cumulative efforts contributed to an amazing morning. Wishing all our Fathers and Father Figures an enjoyable Father’s Day.

Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee

A big congratulations to the 106 students from Years 3-6 who nominated themselves to participate in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee during Week 6. Each student logged into the competition website and spelt 30 words with only 25 seconds for each word.

Congratulation to our School Champions Celia (Yr 6) and Mo (Yr 5).

Best wishes to the following students who have progressed through to the State Final: Aubrey (Yr 3), Vienna and Olivia (Yr 4), Meldon and Mo (Yr 5) and Celia (Yr 6).

Assistant Principal Appointment

In Mr Martin’s absence, many staff have chipped in with supporting the continued running of our school, I’d like to acknowledge all staff in their support. Mr Martin is doing well and we look forward to his return. In the interim Mrs Anella Tollis has been appointed by a selection panel as our Short Term Assistant Principal, I’d like to assure our Year 1G parents and children that this does not mean that she will disappear from 1G, she will still be present as a key teacher for your children as maintaining consistency in the class remains a priority.

Student Medicare Details

Parents and Caregivers will receive an e-form via the school’s SMS service this week. It is a legal requirement that the school has student Medicare numbers on file. Please note all information received by the school remains confidential.

Thank you for your assistance.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)

OLA have been allocated an additional supply of free RATs for students. Both nasal swabs and lollipop RATs are available. The allocation is 20 RATs per STUDENT. Parents may (students aren’t permitted) collect the RATs from the school office from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm each day, for the next 2 weeks.

Students’ Stationery – Available Via the Canteen

With students not always having the stationery required at school, and parents having to go to the shops to purchase an item, like a pencil, the OLA Canteen will be selling everyday student stationery items to students. These items will be included on OLA Canteen QuickCliq menu and will be sold in the future:

  • Red and blue pens – 60c each
  • HB Pencils – 60c each
  • Glue Sticks – $2.20 each
  • Erasers – 60c each
  • Rulers – $1.95 each
  • Batteries (for the students’ laptop mouse) – $3.30 each


If purchasing an item, parents are requested to order the item online via QuickClick and the stationery will given to the students during the day. Students may also purchase these items on canteen days, over the counter.

Term 3 Calendar

As mentioned previously, please refer to school’s website calendar for events, which is updated regularly.

Thank you.
Greg Martin and Michael Morris
The OLA Leadership Team

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

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(+61 8) 9471 3000
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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.