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Leadership Message – Issue Ten

School Photos

As mentioned previously, school photos have been rescheduled for Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 June. All students are required to wear their OLA Academic Winter Uniforms for the photos, which includes ties. Attach is a copy of the timetable for both days. If you don’t have a shoot key for the photos, please see Mrs Sloss in the office. Please be advised these are approximate times only and the scheduling may change each day.

Cross Country

CPSSA Year 6 Winter Carnival

Our Year 6 cohort were fortunate to participate in the CPSSA Year 6 Winter Carnival on Thursday 23 June. Our students formed two soccer and netball teams and competed in games against several other schools in our association. The students represented the school to an exemplary standard, showing respect to each other, their coach and manager and the opposing school. It was wonderful to see students showcase their skills and knowledge of their respective sports, as well as having a go and trying their best at a sport they are not familiar with. It was a fantastic day in which the students worked extremely hard, but most importantly had fun. Thank you to all of our parent volunteer coaches and managers who helped out on the day. You were wonderful in organising the team positions and tactics for each game and our students are very appreciative for your time and efforts.


On Wednesday 15th June, students and staff were treated to a relaxing yoga session. Throughout the day, students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 participated in a 30-minute yoga session where students learnt different breathing techniques and yoga poses.  While many students had never attempted yoga before, it was an enjoyable yet calming experience that reminded us all how important it is to take the time to practice mindfulness when we feel overwhelmed or anxious.

This delightful mid-week break would not have been possible without the generosity of our P&F. From the staff and students at OLA, thank you!


Over the past term, the Year 6 REACH group have participated in a competition run by the Law Society of WA, called Cluedunnit. The students received a brief of evidence and investigated the crime to uncover additional evidence. Once they collected all of the evidence and identified the main suspect, the students created a movie outlining their findings. They wrote the script, made props, filmed and edited the movies. A big congratulations to the Year 6 team ‘Whose Dunnit” as they made it into the top 10 of all of the submissions. We are very proud of their hard work and dedication.

RAC WA Incursion

Years 3 – 6 enjoyed an interactive and lively presentation from RAC WA on Tuesday. Each year level had a particular curriculum focus:

Year 3- Bicycle Safety

Year 4 – Seatbelts

Year 5 – Risky Behaviours

Year 6 – Going Green

This incursion complimented our Health program for Years 3-6.

RSPCA Incursion

Years 4-6 students spent time with a volunteer presenter from the RSPCA on Friday. We learnt about well-being for animals! Much of our discussion focussed on the care of our pets and an animal’s ‘Five Freedoms’. While we talked mainly of cats and dogs, birds, guinea pigs and rabbits were spoken of as well. We learnt that our pets have obvious physical signs that can show contentment (cats purring, dogs wagging tails) and also distress (whites of eyes showing, ears down). The RSPCA treated and cared for over 20,000 animals throughout 2020 and 2021.

The RSPCA runs one day workshops (at a cost) at their Malaga centre for children between 7-10 during the school holidays – this is a behind the scenes look at the RSPCA Animal Care Centre, including safe interactions with animals in their care.

As a school community, we are very grateful for the generous donations given by you for use by the RSPCA – these included dog/cat kibble toys, cash donations, toys and leads, just to name a small selection. Once again, our OLA community demonstrates their care and compassion! Thank you.

Pupil Free Day and Students Return

Friday 1 July is a pupil free day. The last day for school for all students is Thursday 30 June. The first day of Term 3, for all students, is Monday 18 July.

Kindergarten Enrolments – 2023

We now have close to full enrolments in both classes for 2023 and 2024 enrolments are filling quickly. If your child due to commence in 2024, please complete an enrolment as soon as possible and submit it to Jane Sloss. Her email address is

2023 Pre-Kindergarten

Places for the 2023 Pre-Kindergarten are also filling up quickly. Please contact Jane Sloss on 94713000 or email her at if you would like to secure a place for you child for 2023.

Thank you.
Greg Martin and Michael Morris
The OLA Leadership Team

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

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