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Reflection – Dr Nathan Leber

Love without Limitation – Dr Nathan Leber

David stands before the sleeping Saul with the opportunity to end his troubles…but he does not take it. He knows that Saul was anointed, and he respects that. He realises that God was teaching him about mercy and obedience to the law of God – something which Saul had forgotten. David gets his point across without breaking his promises or being forced into a moralistic or ethical compromise.

The lesson of David is magnified by Jesus. David’s Saul becomes everyone for Jesus. Jesus tells you today to stop putting conditions on everything you do. This is especially true when dealing with our fellow humans. It is easy to be kind and polite when dealing with nice people, but what about that rude and obnoxious person who is in your face. So rather than reacting in reply, we need to first understand one thing – we are often so caught up on what is happening to us, that we stop realising that we are part of that moment.

We rightfully should feel a sense of despair about many situations in our world, but we should not be so naïve to think the problem is the sole responsibility of someone else. Jesus tells us to give without the hope of return. This is true for so many things. If we look deep into our souls, many of us are guilty of smaller versions of the world’s problems. We don’t always recycle (or do it properly), we ridicule the opinions of others, we unconsciously segregate from people who are different from us, we over-spend, over-indulge and excuse our luxuries as necessity, then begrudge charities asking for donations to help the marginalised. Yet, in that moment when we realise we are part of the world, we are suddenly liberated and become part of the solution…and when we are part of the solution, we can change lives.

The adage ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ does not follow with, ‘but only if you will be recognised for it and everyone else is doing it as well’.  Our actions and decisions should not be determined by the thoughts, deeds and acclamation of others. Give like nobody is watching! Realise that God has placed you in that situation at precisely the moment you are meant to be there. So, ask yourself, what is God trying to teach me today?

Dr Nathan Leber


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