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RICE is Alive at OLA!


Integrity in Pre-Kindy is about always doing what is right, even when other people aren’t looking. We talk about making good choices and always being kind to others. We talk about recognising how our actions can affect other people’s feelings.

At Pre-Kindy, we listened to the Creation story and the children painted their favourite parts of the natural world.

Mrs Taylor


In Kindy, we have continued to discover more about nature and the world around us. We have looked at all that God has created and have been amazed by the beauty of it all. We have thanked God for his creations during our prayer circle and even painted a picture of our favourite part of God’s creation.

Last week, we completed a still life painting of a vase of sunflowers. The children were encouraged to look closely at the detail of this beautiful flower and portray it in their painting. We are so proud of how much time and effort they put into their work and they look AMAZING!

In Kindy, we have also been talking about making good choices. We read the book, What Should Danny Do?, which explores what happens when you make a choice about your behaviour, and the contrast between the right choice and the wrong choice. We are learning that it is important to make good choices. This is what integrity looks like in Kindy.

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

Last week we participated in the Junior Cross Country at Waverley Reserve. The year ones ran a 600-metre course! We were happy that all the children completed the Cross Country as we showed compassion by helping others and good sportsmanship by cheering each runner across the finish line!

In Mathematics we have begun learning about addition strategies to work out problems. So far, we have learnt to use the count on and friends of ten strategies! In writing, we have chosen our minibeast to research and to write an information report on. We have an exciting range of minibeasts!

Mrs Noonan and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

Our school value of excellence was evident during the Year 3 Cross Country this week. All students competing in the race, ran their very best, and the cheering on for each other was commendable. It was wonderful to have so many parents attend the event, making it a memorable day.

Students have been busy preparing their writing to present to the class. This has given Year 3 students the opportunity to show how they control their voice and body language when speaking to an audience.

Last week, 3M presented their Space Assembly to the school. This was linked to their learning in Science, Earth and Space. All students enjoyed sharing their interesting facts about our night’s sky to the school community. Way to go 3M!

Mrs Peters and Mrs Musca

Year 5

Respect is one quality that we pride ourselves on in Year 5. In our Religion unit, we are currently looking at the gestures and actions that we do in church as signs of respect and adoration. We genuflect by bending our right knee to the floor, we are showing respect and reverence to the Blessed Sacrament. When we kneel in church to pray, we are showing a sign of great reverence or respect. Bowing is also a sign of reverence. We bow deeply from the waist at Mass when we go on the sanctuary, near the altar. It is important for us to show respect in the church by being focused, listening and not talking. 

In Maths, we have learnt about the different types of angles. There are many to remember – acute (the little ones are always cute), right (always right just like Mum) obtuse, straight (keeping it straight), reflex and rotations (full circle).  We drew random lines on a page and then labelled all the angles.  Maths is always fun in Year 5!

Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre

Our Lady's Assumption
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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.