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RICE is Alive at OLA!

Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS)

Year 1
In Year 1 this term during History, we have been exploring family life. We have been comparing families from the past and our family from the present. We have discussed the differences and similarities between our families which make us special. We showed respect when we listened to others sharing their ideas. We enjoyed discussing the roles and responsibilities that we share in our families.

Year 2 
In Year 2, we have been exploring aspects of the past we see today. We used timelines to document events in the order they happened. We have learnt that landmarks are buildings, places or structures that are important in telling us about the past. We showed respect when we discussed examples of landmarks like museums, cemeteries, plaques and monuments.  

Year 3 
In Year 3, we have been learning about the traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people’s culture and language. We showed respect when we learnt about the symbolism of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian flags. We learnt about the respect ATSIP show to Country and Place and the Dreamtime. 

Year 4 
In Year 4, we have investigated the diversity and longevity of Australia’s first peoples and the ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place and the implications for their daily lives. We collated and presented the information we researched into flipbooks. We have also been learning about the great journeys of exploration that occurred up to the late eighteenth century. We developed great respect for the challenges and the hardships these explorers faced.

Year 5 
In Year 5, we have been learning about the economic and political reasons for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800. We have written historical narratives to explain the struggles the colonists faced after arriving in Australia. We learnt that the early settlers showed no respect towards the Aboriginal peoples way of life.

Year 6 
In Year 6, we have been learning about the key figures that led to Australia’s Federation, including British and American influences on Australia’s system of law and government. We researched and designed posters that expressed our stance on reasons for Federation. Sir Henry Parkes was called the Father of Federation and people showed him great respect for the role he played in beginning the path to Federation.

Mrs Luisa Durkin


This term, we have been learning to say information about ourselves across every year level and to share them with our friends. We have made a few videos with iPads and personal computers, sharing what we have learnt. We showed the value of respect when working together to create our recordings and when using devices. We also really enjoyed making masks inspired by the ones that children wear in Italy during Carnevale and we showed respect while learning about this special celebration that happens just before Lent begins. We loved sharing our completed colourful and creative masks with everyone else in the classroom!

Signora Paola Pizzo


How quickly Term 1 is rushing by! This term, we are focusing on beat and rhythm, and the students are demonstrating respect for the instruments, for the lesson, and for their classmates. Year 4 students are mastering playing the recorder for the first time, and they are making very good progress indeed. Year 6 students are making great progress playing the ukulele. All other classes are enjoying playing a variety of instruments, including cajon drums, triangles, tambourines and jingle bells. The bucket drums are very popular, and our Pre-Primary students love having an opportunity to experiment with the drum kit. At the Harmony Day Celebration at the end of last week, all classes sang some harmony songs, which enshrined the message of respect for all cultures, and I was very proud of how well the children sang.

Well done, all!

Mrs Mary McAuliffe

Physical Education

In Pre-Primary, we have been exploring our fundamental movement skills throughout Term 1 and exploring all different types of movements. We have learnt to respect ourselves and others in the class by performing these movements safely and being aware of others. We have also shown respect to equipment and the school by correctly using our sport equipment and staying within our sport boundaries for games and activities.

Year 1 and 2
We have learnt how to show respect in Sport by sharing roles and positions in cricket with our peers. We have taken turns to be batters, bowlers, fielders, and wicket keepers. We have also learnt to be respectful to those that are new to learning the game of cricket by explaining rules, helping each other and volunteering to be equipment assistants.

Year 3 and 4
In Years 3 and 4, we have been participating in tee-ball skill drills and practising these skills in gameplay. We have been respectful in Sport by being patient to learn these skills before entering a game situation to help build our skills and knowledge of the game. We have shown respect to each other by practising our safety rules such as wearing gloves, dropping the bat after hitting the ball, and standing a safe distance away from the batter as a batting team.

Year 5 and 6
We have been working on building our cricket skills and exploring different mini games that can relate to real game situations. We have been respectful to our classmates, understanding that some students have had more exposure to cricket than others and have shown maturity in helping others work on their skills.

Swimming Carnival
Throughout our swimming carnivals this term, we have been respectful in the way we competed in all of our events. We congratulated our winners and supported our peers in each of their races. We cheered each other on and helped each other to do the best we can for our faction.

Mr Ciaran Allsop


In Pre-Primary, we are very excited this year to have our Science lessons in the Curiosity Lab. Our Biological Science topic is identifying living things and their needs. We have discovered living things breathe, grow, eat and reproduce. We also learnt about the needs of animals and plants this term. Our RICE value of respect is shown by how we listen carefully and fully engage in our Science lessons each week.

Year One
In Year One, our Biological Science topic is living things and what they need to survive. We learnt about the body parts of kangaroos and how they are adapted to suit their environment. We also know how to label parts of insects, and we are making an amazing insect Lapbook! We have shown our RICE value of respect during our lessons by helping our classmates and sharing our ideas.

Year Two
In Year Two, our Biological Science topic is focused on learning about how living things grow and change. We looked at our baby photos to recall what we could do as a baby, and we compared that with what we can now do as a child. We made predictions about what we would be able to do as teenagers and adults. We have looked at the life cycle of a chilli plant and the life cycle of frogs, to see how living things change over time. We show our RICE value of respect in the way we listen carefully when others are speaking, and when they are sharing their ideas in Science discussions. 

Year Three
In Year Three, our Biological Science topic included investigating how living things can be grouped and classified according to their special characteristics. We also can identify how to categorise something as living or non-living. We showed our RICE value of respect by working effectively to share our equipment in our groups, especially when we did our leaf sorting activity.

Year Four
In Year Four, our Biological Science lessons were focused on learning about the animals in the Daintree Rainforest. We have researched information about the cassowary and why it is called the guardian of the rainforest. We also learnt about what threatens the cassowary in its environment. Our RICE value of respect has constantly been shown during our lessons, by our outstanding behaviour and helpfulness to our classmates and teacher.

Year Five
In Year Five, our Biological Science unit focused on investigating plant root systems and desert animal adaptations. We created various plant root systems from cardboard and pipe cleaners. We tested out our plant root system, by simulating strong winds and the action of the tides. We also researched an Australian desert animal of our choice, to discover how animals adapt to their environment. The RICE value of respect was evident in the way we carried out our group work so effectively this term.

Year Six
In Year Six, our Biological Science lessons introduced us to biomes. In particular, the Tropical Rainforest biome was focused on. We experimented to discover what were the best conditions for yeast to grow in. We discovered yeast is a living organism, a type of fungi. We also worked effectively in our groups to research animals and plants that are found in each layer of the rainforest. Showing our RICE value of respect was evident in the cooperative group work and in the care of our classroom equipment during the term. We especially were helpful in tidying up the Curiosity Lab and leaving it ship-shape, ready for the next lesson!

Mrs Colette Meyerkort


As a new year begins in the library, it brings the perfect opportunity to discuss what it means to be respectful in the library. With all classes, we have shared our ideas on how to be respectful by listening to each other, using manners, taking care of library books and equipment and tidying up after ourselves.

It has been great to see students put these values into practise over the term, during library time as well as at lunchtime when playing games together. I have noticed a big improvement in turn taking and following game rules which makes games enjoyable for everyone.

Our newest Library members in Pre-Primary have made a fantastic start to borrowing by learning borrowing procedures, saying please and thank you when borrowing, listening quietly on the mat to our stories and remembering to return their books. This wonderful start earnt them a special reading session in class with Mrs Dale as a reward.

What a pleasure it has been to see our Year 6 leaders take the initiative to help keep the library shelves tidy for everyone to enjoy. This shows great responsibility and respect for our books and is so very helpful.

Our Year 4 students have been learning how to log-in and request particular books to be placed on hold for them. It has been fantastic to see how keen they are to use this service, along with the Year 5 & 6 students. There have been times when the book they wanted was not available and they have needed to be patient just a little longer. It is always wonderful to see their excitement when the book finally comes in for them.

A few students have learnt that it is not always easy to look after our library books at home, sometimes accidents happen, particularly with water bottles, puppies and younger siblings. In Library sessions we have discussed that the best way to deal with these problems is to bring the book back to show Mrs Dale and then we can come up with a plan!

In all, it has been very pleasing to see students coming into the library quietly and ready to share a story. Keep up the great work, OLA!

Mrs Claire Dale

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.