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Sporting Schools Bowling

On Tuesday 16 June, students from Years 1-3 participated in a fun afternoon of Bowling at Zone Bowling. After 3 weeks of learning the correct grip on a bowling ball, aiming games and finding out about different ‘spares’ combinations at OLA they went to the lanes to test their aim and skill. Children had great fun creating their bowling nicknames and wearing the bowling shoes. A great time was had by all!

Learn more about Bowl Patrol


Junior Cross Country

The Junior Cross Country will be held on Tuesday 18 June at Waverley Reserve. Permission slips were emailed out this week. Students in Pre-Primary will run 300m (1 lap around the circuit) and Years 1 and 2 will run 600m (2 laps of the circuit). If you are able to assist your class teacher walk students to the reserve, please let them know. The Year Sport Captains will be assisting runners around the course.

Senior Cross Country 

The Senior Cross Country will be held on Tuesday 25 June at Dianella Regional Open Space. Permission slips were emailed out this week with all timing details. Training will be on offer for those keen students leading up to the Interschool Cross Country to be held next term. Each race requires six course marshals for the safety of all students. If you are able to fulfil this role, please let me know via email or see me in the office.

2019 Cross Country maps

Mrs Jodie Stewart

Physical Education Teacher

Our Lady's Assumption
School Newsletter

43 Chester Avenue, Dianella WA 6059
(+61 8) 9471 3000
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PO Box 531, Dianella WA 6059
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The School community seeks to foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.